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Silence Is Oppression

Silence Is Oppression

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King

If now--with the recent murders of Black men and women, coupled with the disproportionate loss of life by our Black community due to COVID-19, and on top of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and decades of oppressive and systemic racism--is not the time to use your voice and take action against racism, when will it be?

Here's a few tips on how to take action every single day of your life. Please note this is a short list that is a start to action. And check out this comprehensive list via the National Resources List.

  1. Join us for a conversation with Grace Anderson and Aparna Rajagopal-Durbin, founders of PGM One Summit. In this one-hour workshop, Grace and Aparna will share their perspectives and resources on how to practice anti-racism both personally and professionally. Get tickets here.
  2. Support and learn from Black Women. We financially contribute to and listen to Rachel Cargle and Rachel Ricketts on Patreon.
  3. Diversify your feed -- follow Black-owned accounts on Instagram. Check out a short list here.
  4. Read. Our current favorite is Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall. How To Be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi and White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo are also other good ones to add to your list. You can buy them from Black-owned bookstores here.
  5. Don't ask Black people to explain things to you. That's what Google is for.
  6. Stop waiting for this to feel comfortable. It's not going to and that's OK. Anti-racism conversations are exactly what you should be talking about at the dinner table.
  7. Donate your time and money to organizations that are doing anti-racism work in your own community. Find out about national organizations here.
  8. Vote racists out and vote POC in.
  9. Use more specific language like “killing” rather than “death” and “white supremacy” rather than “racism” and Black rather than People of Color.
  10. Before you condemn protests, ask yourself if you’ve advocated for change just as loudly.
  11. Thinking that these conversations have no place in the outdoors because "the outdoors is for everyone" ignores the fact that there is work to be done to make it for everyone. 

Want more ideas? Watch this short clip from Rachel Cargle.

Read more about our message to white women here and a reposting of Revelations by J. Drew Lanham, Ph.D.

Artwork by Kika Macfarlane. All proceeds from the Silence is Oppression collection will be donated to Black justice funds.